The required data in order to assess an application in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 are laid down in law. The current data requirements (or technical requirements) are set out in Regulation (EU) No. 283/2013 for the active substance and in Regulation (EU) No. 284/2013 for the product (formulation).
In addition, there are also national requirements which are specific to each Member State.
The technical requirements are divided into various areas of expertise:
The data provided is proposed in a draft Registration Report (dRR). This is a summary of the assessment and the results based on the data. The dRR also contains a proposal for the labelling of the product. You can find more information regarding the dRR in our guide.
You can find detailed information regarding the administrative requirements in our guide.
Overview of technical guidance documents
You can find an overview of recent guidance documents and the start date of validity here.