A new version is now available of the manual for the applicant of an authorisation of a plant protection product in Belgium.
The new version contains a large number of changes, including:
- Addition on applications for mutual recognition of 'generic plant protection products' permitted under Article 34 and what they should contain.
- Change in the comments on the application of Art 34. The list of protected and unprotected data of a reference product in Belgium is available on request for a fee of €1500. The comparability of the formulations and of the effects of the products must be demonstrated.
- Modification of the administrative procedure to apply for authorisation and an update of the tables related to the content of the dossier.
- A unique formulation identification code (UFI) must be communicated to the Belgian Anti-Poison Centre with each declaration.
- Clarification on where the information published by the Central Zone Steering Committee (CZSC) can be found on the public section of CIRCABC.
- Update on the specific assessment criteria, dose, packaging and labelling of products for non-professional users.
The other changes can be found in the revision history in the document itself.
This manual is a technical document mainly intended for companies seeking authorisation for a plant protection product and is only available in English.