Procedure application EU MRL / import tolerance 

One of the prerequisites to authorize a plant protection product (PPP) is that potential residues in food and feed resulting from the intended use of the PPP are covered by EU Maximum Residue Limits (EU MRLs).

The procedure for the application and setting of an EU MRL (incl. import tolerance) is clarified in Guidance Document SANTE/2015/10595 prepared by the European Commission.

The submission and evaluation of confirmatory data for an EU MRL following the MRL review follows more or less the same procedure as a standard application for setting/modification of an EU MRL (see above). Additional guidance is available in Working Document SANTE/E4/VW 10235/2016 prepared by the European Commission.

Additional practical information and particular guidance regarding the implementation of this procedure in Belgium is included in a separate document (see pdf below).